Neosense comes with some custom page and posts parameters.

Using this parameters you can simply overwrite some general template settings for certain pages, posts and categories:
[li class=”check”] Disable/Enable title display[/li]
[li class=”check”] Disable/Enable display of subheader area display[/li]
[li class=”check”] Set custom title and subtitle[/li]
[li class=”check”] Set custom background for header area[/li]
[li class=”check”] Set custom background for Featured widget area[/li]
[li class=”check”] Set custom background for Bottom 1 widget area[/li]
[li class=”check”] Set custom background for Footer area[/li]
[li class=”check”] Disable/Enable display featured images slideshow in category view[/li]
This way you can style your pages individually deppends of your needs.