All videos in OpenSpace theme are responsives.

YouTube Video

[youtube width=”640″ height=”385″ video_id=”ZA22WSVlCZ4″]


[toggle title=”Get Code”]
[youtube width=”640″ height=”385″ video_id=”EhkHFenJ3rM”]


Vimeo Video

[vimeo width=”640″ height=”385″ video_id=”11770385″]


[toggle title=”Get Code”]
[vimeo width=”640″ height=”385″ video_id=”11770385″]


Self hosted MP3 file

[mp3 url=”″ title=”Whistlin’ In The Dark” author=”Janiva Magness”]

[toggle title=”Get Code”]
[mp3 url=”mp3_file_url” title=”Whistlin’ In The Dark” author=”Janiva Magness”]


Soundcloud audio

[soundcloud url=”″]
[space size=”10″]

[toggle title=”Get Code”]
[soundcloud url=”″]


Soundcloud audio with playlist

[soundcloud url=”″ playlist=”yes”]
[space size=”10″]

[toggle title=”Get Code”]
[soundcloud url=”″ playlist=”yes”]
