
What Is The Cement Masons And Plasterers Trust Fund?

At Local 132, our mission is to provide skilled laborers with the information they need. In today’s post, we’re sharing a bit about The Cement Masons and Plasterers Trust Fund. Learn more below or contact us now with any questions you may have.

group of cement masons

What It Is

The Cement Masons and Plasterers Trust Fund is a retirement savings plan set up by cement masons and plasterers unions to provide financial security for their members in retirement. The trust fund is managed by a board of trustees, who invest the money in a variety of assets such as stocks, bonds, and real estate.  

plasterer working on crown molding

How It Works

The trust fund is financed by employer contributions, which are calculated based on a percentage of each employee’s wages. The money in the trust fund is then used to pay benefits to retirees, disability benefits to members who are unable to work, and death benefits to the families of deceased members. 

group of cement masons

What Are The Benefits?

The Cement Masons and Plasterers Trust Fund provides a number of benefits to its members, including: 

  • A secure retirement income
  • Death and disability benefits
  • Health and welfare benefits
  • Job training and education programs

team of masons standing on scaffolding

How to Join OPCMIA Local 132 Union

If you’re a cement mason or plasterer in the Chicago area, you can join Local 132 by doing one of two things — you can either fill out an application for membership as a qualified journey worker or fill out an application for the Registered Apprenticeship Program. Joining a labor union means being a part of something that puts the needs of workers first, and our mission is to support you in your career and beyond.

If you’re a cement mason or plasterer, the Cement Masons and Plasterers Trust Fund can provide you with a number of benefits that will help you in retirement. Contact Local 132 today to learn more about how the trust fund can help you.